An unfiltered list of all the printable targets we’ve posted on the site, all 100% free! To choose the specific types of shooting targets you’re looking for, check under the individual categories in the site menu. Enjoy dozens of free printable targets at!

Michael Myers Halloween Shooting Target (Printable FREE!)

Hey, welcome back Targets4Free gang! It’s that time of year again. Halloween is on the way, so I decided to add this! Today, it’s a Michael Myers shooting target, from the series “Halloween”. This should be familiar, since all these years later, the sequel to the original movie with Jamie Lee Curtis, has now been released! I did get a chance to see it, and it was pretty enjoyable. Regardless, you’re really here to print some targets, aren’t you? Well, Targets4Free is always happy to deliver with new free printable targets every single week. Enjoy this Michael Myers shooting target, as well as the many other free shooting targets we feature on our site. And if you love what we do and want to support us, be sure to check our Patreon page, where you can make a small monthly contribution as low as $1! Thanks for your continued support.

Click here (or on the image below) to open this Michael Myers shooting target!

Michael Myers shooting target halloween free printable targets Targets4Free

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FBI Q Target (Free Printable Qualification Targets)

Welcome back T4F gang, I’ve got another classic shooting target for your next trip to the range! It’s the classic FBI Q Target (aka the “milk bottle target”), originally used by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation. I specially outlined and formatted this one to fit on a standard 8.5×11″ piece of paper. Also, I made up a version with a red circle in the center, as an aim assist. Since the target is significantly smaller than the original, it may prove helpful in staying focused and on-target. So how do you score it? Check out (this post from Refactor Tactical) to find out. The scoring for this old version of the FBI Q Target is under the heading “FBI Shooting Qualification (Old)” on that page. But remember, this version is significantly shrunken down, and so will offer and even greater challenge. Enjoy this, and the many other free printable pistol targets (and all other kinds) at Targets4Free!

ALSO: I would greatly appreciate it if you’d consider purchasing some pro-gun merch from our friends at BattleMountainArmory on Etsy, OR if you would shop through our amazon link, which gives us a small kickback on your purchases at zero additional cost to you. Thank you so much for your support! It’s with your support that we’re able to keep our small niche website up and running!

Click the image for the target you want below, to open it up for printing!

FBI Q Target by Targets4Free Preview Snip FBI Q Target With Red Circle by Targets4Free Preview Snip

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NRA SR-1 Target (Printable Shooting Targets)

This NRA SR-1 Target is basically a normal version of this target, but shrunken down for placement at 100 yards. In other words, at 100 yards, this target will act as an exact simulation of the official NRA SR-1 target at it’s proper 200 yard target distance. This makes it a fantastic target for long-range shooting. Whether you’re competing with friends, or honing your skills on your own, I think you guys are going to love this NRA SR1 Target, as well as the other printable targets we host. We make these awesome rifle targets printable, along with countless others. Enjoy!

Remember, Targets4Free hosts tons of other free printable targets for shooting. Be sure to check out our full collection to spice up your next range trip!

ALSO: I would greatly appreciate it if you’d consider purchasing some pro-gun merch from our friends at BattleMountainArmory on Etsy, OR if you would shop through our amazon link, which gives us a small kickback on your purchases at zero additional cost to you. Thank you so much for your support! It’s with your support that we’re able to keep our small niche website up and running!

Click here, or the image below to open this target for printing!

NRA SR-1 Target by Targets4Free Preview Snip

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FBI QIT-03 Target Silhouette (Free Printable Targets)

This FBI QIT-03 Target is a variant of the classic “FBI Q Target” (aka the milk bottle target), with vital boxes around the chest and head. A really basic shooting target, with some great utility in becoming a better shot. Suitable for practicing like the pros, having some fun on your own, or challenging your friends to see if your shooting is up to par!

I couldn’t find the proper way to score this particular FBI target variant. I’ve scored “inside the outline” as 1 point, a heart shot as 2 points, and a headshot as 3 points. You might even opt to subtract several points on a miss. Meaning that a headshot will be “high risk, high reward” in terms of scoring on the target. What I do know, is that these targets are meant to be shot at 3 yards, and the chest square is supposed to be 4 inches wide. You may notice that it’s less than 2 inches wide. So, if you shoot it at the same distance, it will be more than twice as difficult. So give it a shot! This post from should give you a good explanation of how to score with the FBI’s current target, which is the same thing, with the bottom portion chopped off. Otherwise, they’re like for like. That newer version of the target will be put up here very soon though!

Either way, I think you guys are going to love this FBI QIT-03 Target. More content is always on the way. Enjoy this as well as our other printable pistol targets!

Click this link, or the image below, to open this target for printing!

FBI QIT-03 Target Silhouette Free Printable Targets Targets4Free preview snip

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Stoeger Police Training Target (Free Printable Shooting Targets)

This is a vintage shooting target from the firearms manufacturer Stoeger. The target is titled “Stoeger Police Training Target”. I am almost certain that this target was introduced in the 1940’s. The description in the image is tough to see, but it reads… “A new target development-created and endorsed thru the cooperation and experience of leading police authorities-to facilitate pistol and revolver marksmanship.”

This was originally a large 35×45″ target, but of course it needed to be shrunken down to be easily printable for the purposes of this site. Still, it’s an awesome target with great, realistic scoring zones. Despite being introduced about 80 years ago, it’s not outdated! I think this Stoeger Police Training Target will serve as a great training tool, as well as make a fresh, fun target for your next range trip! Also, I managed to track down an original order form from Stoeger, that you would have used to order these back in the day! That image also included below. Enjoy!!

Click here (or the first image below) to open this free target for printing!

stoeger police training target vintage shooting targets targets4free snip     

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