Dot Target 11×17 (Target Submitted by Action N)
Today, we’re pleased to announce a great user-submitted target. An original design by Action N, it’s a dot target that is very clean, well-designed and can be very flexible in how you choose to use it! Likewise, this is also the first 11×17 target we’re posting, as we know that many of you enjoy printing these larger-form targets at home! We’d like to post more of these in the future, however if you enjoy the design of this target but don’t have an 11×17 printer, simply select “fit to page” when printing and it will fit quite well on an 8.5×11 page. If you are using an 11×17 printer, then don’t “fit to page”. A dot target like this is great for challenging your friends, a timed drill, or generally improving your skills.
We really appreciate Action N’s contributions to our still growing site, including this dot target and also his well-designed bullseye target that we’ll be posting soon. He can be found on a number of social media platforms including on his YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as art-specific sources such as ArtStation and DeviantArt. But the truth is, you should check all of them out, because Action N has posted some very interesting, creative and worthwhile content that I believe is worth a look, as well as a share with your friends. Examples include some awesome 3D prints, custom-made fantasy weapons, and much more! Below is the 11×17 target that Action N submitted to Targets4Free. You can either click the image to open it, or the link directly following this text. Be safe, have fun and enjoy!
Click this link (or the image below) to open this target for printing!
P.S., Targets4Free isn’t dead! In fact, we’re far from it. Our current plan is to go back to a weekly uploading schedule. We will mostly likely upload at least one new target every week, probably on Thursday afternoon, which gives everyone a chance to check out our new target(s) and print some out for a weekend trip to the range! Stay tuned. Likewise, we would once again like to remind you that we always appreciate your suggestions and requests for new shooting targets, as well as any submissions you’d like to make. Either comment below any of our posts, or email us at and we’ll be in touch.
Nice to see targets4free is still alive. I have used the site for a while despite lack of new content but I am glad your getting back on the saddle. And great target.